Agencia Amazon

Program Amazon Transparency – Everything you need to know as a brand

Amazon Transparency is a program by Amazon aimed at helping sellers comply with laws and regulations that require product traceability. With Amazon Transparency, sellers can create unique codes for their products and then associate them with additional information, such as the manufacturing date and place of origin. This allows consumers to verify the authenticity and traceability of the products they purchase on Amazon.

Additionally, Amazon Transparency also helps prevent the sale of counterfeit products on its platform, as the unique codes facilitate the identification and tracking of the products. If a product does not have an associated Transparency code, it is more likely to be considered suspicious and undergo a more thorough review before being approved for sale on Amazon.

To use Amazon Transparency, sellers need to register for the program and then associate unique codes with each of their products. The codes can be provided by Amazon or generated by the seller, and they must meet certain format and length requirements. Sellers are also required to provide additional information about each product, such as the manufacturing date and place of origin.


What advantages does the Amazon transparency program have?


  1. Increased consumer trust: By providing detailed information about products, such as the manufacturing date and place of origin, consumers can have more confidence in the authenticity and quality of the products they purchase. This can lead to an increase in sales and customer loyalty.
  2. Prevention of counterfeit products: By associating unique codes with each product, brands can help prevent the sale of counterfeit products on Amazon. This is important for protecting the brand’s reputation and avoiding legal repercussions.
  3. Increased visibility: By providing additional information about the products, brands can take advantage of the opportunity to enhance the visibility of their products on Amazon. Consumers searching for specific products can more easily find the products of brands that use Amazon Transparency.
  4. Greater ease of compliance with regulations: The Amazon Transparency program facilitates compliance with regulations that require product traceability. This can help brands avoid sanctions and legal issues.


How do i register myself in the program?


  1. Log in to your Amazon vendor account on Amazon . If you don’t have an account, you need to create one before being able to register for Amazon Transparency.
  2. Go to the Amazon Transparency page and click on “Sign Up Now” in the top right corner.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration process. This will involve providing information about your company and accepting the program’s terms and conditions.
  4. Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive a confirmation email, and you will be able to access the Amazon Transparency page from your Amazon seller dashboard.
  5. From the Amazon Transparency page, you will be able to create unique codes for your products and associate them with additional information such as manufacturing date and place of origin. Make sure to provide all the necessary information and comply with the format and length requirements of the unique codes.

Once you have completed these steps, your registration in Amazon Transparency will be complete, and you can start using the program to protect your products and comply with product traceability regulations.


How does the transparency program work?




Once you register for the Amazon Transparency program, you can use it to protect your products and comply with product traceability regulations. Aquí tienes un resumen de cómo funciona el programa Amazon Transparency:

  1. Create unique codes for your products: You can generate unique codes for your products using the Amazon Transparency code generator or by providing your own codes. Make sure to comply with the format and length requirements of the unique codes.
  2. Associate the codes with additional information: Once you have created the unique codes, you need to associate them with additional information about your products, such as the manufacturing date and place of origin. This information will be displayed to consumers when they verify the unique code.
  3. Assign the codes to your products: Once you have created and associated the unique codes with additional information, you need to assign the codes to your products. You can do this manually by assigning the codes to each product individually, or you can upload a data file with all the codes and associated information in bulk.
  4. Verify product authenticity: Consumers can verify the authenticity of your products by scanning the unique code using the Amazon Transparency app or entering it on the Amazon Transparency website. This will display the information associated with the code, such as the manufacturing date and place of origin.
  • Countries where the Transparency Program is available: USA, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan, Australia and India.

If you have any questions or need assistance, both in strategy and execution, please contact our experts, and we will be happy to help you manage it. Contact us