Agencia Amazon

The 10 factors for successfully internationalizing your brand on Amazon

  1. Market Research: It’s important to thoroughly research the market where you want to sell your products. This includes understanding market trends, competition, and the demand for your products.
  2. Adaptation of the product: You may need to modify your products to meet the needs and preferences of the market you are selling in. This can include the translation of labels and marketing materials, as well as the modification of product size or packaging.
  3. Regulations and legal requirements: It is important to comply with all the regulations and legal requirements of the country in which you are selling. This includes labeling requirements, certifications, and necessary permits.
  4. Pricing: It is important to establish competitive prices for your products, taking into account shipping costs and other factors. Indeed, you should also take into account the exchange rate and the purchasing power of the market where you are selling.
  5. Envío y logística: It is important to establish a solid shipping and logistics plan to ensure that your products arrive on time and in good condition to the buyers.
  6. Customer service: It is important to provide high-quality customer service and be available to answer questions and resolve issues for buyers.
  7. Marketing and promotion: It is important to actively promote your products in the market where you are selling. This can include the use of online advertising, social media, and other marketing strategies.
  8. Inventory management: It is important to maintain adequate inventory to meet the demand for your products. You should also have a plan for inventory replenishment in case of depletion.
  9. Reputation management: It is important to properly manage your reputation in the market where you are selling. This includes responding promptly to buyer inquiries and issues, as well as maintaining a good rating and reviews for your products.
  10. Tracking and analysis: It is important to track and analyze the performance of your products in the market where you are selling, in order to make informed decisions and improve their performance in the future.

Advantages of selling internationally:


  1. Greater reach: By selling in other countries, you can reach a much broader audience and increase your market reach.
  2. Increased sales opportunities: By expanding into other markets, you can take advantage of sales opportunities in those markets and increase your overall sales.
  3. Increased diversification: By selling in other countries, you can diversify your product portfolio and reduce your reliance on a single market. This can help mitigate risks associated with market fluctuations and economic changes in specific regions, providing a more balanced and stable business model.
  4. Increased visibility: By selling in other countries, you can increase your visibility and brand recognition in those markets.
  5. Increased competitiveness: By selling in other countries, you can compete with other sellers in those markets and enhance your competitiveness.

It is important to consider that expanding to other countries also entails challenges and requires careful planning and execution. It is necessary to thoroughly research the market you wish to sell in, adapt your products and sales processes to that market, and comply with all regulations and legal requirements of the country in question. It is also important to have a solid marketing and promotion strategy to reach buyers in that market, as well as maintain good inventory management and customer service.