Agencia Amazon

What is better , vendor or seller central?


Using both Seller Central and Vendor Central can have several advantages for a seller on Amazon:

  1. Greater reach: Vendor Central allows you to sell your products directly to Amazon, which means your products will be available to all Amazon buyers worldwide. In contrast, with Seller Central, you can only sell your products through your own store on Amazon.
  2. Greater visibility: By selling your products directly to Amazon through Vendor Central, you have the opportunity to gain greater visibility on the platform. Products sold through Vendor Central often have higher visibility in search results and other areas of the platform.
  3. Greater control over pricing: With Vendor Central, Amazon takes care of setting the price for your products and managing the inventory. This means you have less control over the pricing of your products and inventory, but it can be easier to manage. In contrast, with Seller Central, you have more control over the pricing of your products and inventory, but you need to manage this yourself.
  4. Greater flexibility in promotion: With Vendor Central, Amazon takes care of promoting your products and running advertising campaigns. This can be beneficial if you don’t have the time or resources to do it yourself. However, with Seller Central, you have more flexibility to promote your products and run advertising campaigns on your own.
  5. Greater access to data and marketing tools: Vendor Central provides greater access to data and marketing tools to help sellers improve their sales and grow on the platform. This can be beneficial for sellers who are looking to gain greater visibility and improve their sales.


Advantages of using seller central:


  1. Greater control over pricing: With Seller Central, you have more control over the pricing of your products, and you can set the price that you deem appropriate. This allows you to adapt to market fluctuations and adjust the price of your products accordingly.
  2. Greater control over inventory: With Seller Central, you have more control over your inventory and can manage it yourself. This allows you to decide how much inventory you have in stock and when to replenish it.
  3. Greater flexibility in promotion: With Seller Central, you have more flexibility to promote your products and run advertising campaigns on your own. You can use marketing tools and SEO techniques to enhance the visibility of your products and increase your sales.
  4. Greater control over the selling process: With Seller Central, you have more control over the selling process and can customize it to fit your needs. You can manage your orders, shipping, and customer service more efficiently.
  5. Greater control over the brand: With Seller Central, you have more control over your brand and can customize the buyer’s experience to reflect your brand. You can use your own packaging and labels and customize the buyer’s experience to reflect your brand.

When to sell through the Vendor Central?


If you choose to sell through Vendor Central, Amazon will handle the promotion and sale of your products on their platform, and you will receive payment for each product sold. Some brands may consider selling through Vendor Central if they have a large number of products and want to leverage Amazon’s reach and shopping experience to increase their sales. It can also be an option for brands that want to have greater control over how their products are presented on the Amazon platform.

However, it’s important to note that when selling through Vendor Central, you relinquish a significant amount of control over the selling process to Amazon. This can include pricing, shipping, and customer service, among other aspects. There may also be certain requirements and restrictions regarding how products should be shipped and packaged, and you may need to pay certain fees and commissions to Amazon.

Before deciding whether selling through Vendor Central is suitable for your business, it is important to carefully evaluate if this option is the best in terms of costs, control, and market reach for your company. It can also be helpful to speak with other vendors who are already using Vendor Central to gather more information about their experiences.


How to get an invitation to Vendor Central?


Usually, Amazon invites brands to participate in the Vendor Central or Retail program, but this is not always the case. In such situations, it is up to the brand itself to contact Amazon to request an invitation.

Usually, Amazon invites brands to participate in the Vendor Central or Retail program, but this is not always the case. In such situations, it is up to the brand itself to contact Amazon to request an invitation. In the email, you should provide information about your company and its products, including the type of products you wish to sell, the size of your company, and your sales history. You should also include information about how your products are currently distributed and how your company is structured.

It’s important to note that Amazon has specific criteria for selecting suppliers to participate in Vendor Central, and not all companies that apply for an invitation will be accepted. Some of the factors that Amazon may consider when evaluating invitation requests include the size and scope of the business, sales history, and product quality.

It is possible for Amazon to ask you to provide more information or additional documentation before making a decision on your request. It is also important to note that the invitation to Vendor Central is just the first step in the selling process through this program. Once you have received the invitation, you will need to complete a verification process and meet Amazon’s requirements in order to start selling your products.


In summary, using both Seller Central and Vendor Central can have several advantages for sellers on Amazon, such as increased reach and visibility, greater control over pricing and flexibility in promotions, and enhanced access to marketing data and tools. However, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to evaluate which one is the best choice for your specific business.